Marimo (a kind of water plant) is found in a number of lakes in Japan, Hokkaido.
Further reading about Marimo can find here.
(image source from: Wikipedia)
Marimo is rare & given to close ones to bring good luck & love.It is said that taking good care of Marimo will make one’s wishes comes true.It’s not just a plant. In Japan, they actually keep it as a pet!!! Ya for this 3 years i treated it as a pet for me..
Here is the legend of Marimo:
Marimo, also known as Cladophora ball, Lake ball, or Moss Balls in English, is a species of filamentous green algae (Chlorophyta) found in a number of lakes in the northern hemisphere.
Marimo is native to Lake Akan in Hokkaido, Japan. It was declared a national treasure of Japan in 1921 and people from all over the country gathered these balls in glass jars to take home as keepsakes, perhaps to bring luck, or just because they look good as a tabletop centerpiece at home. It is said that taking good care of Marimo will make one’s wishes come true.
The popularity of Marimo, also known as a plant that symbolises love, was immortalized by a legend: Once upon a time in a tribe near Lake Akan in Hokkaido, the daughter of the chief of an elite tribe fell in love with a warrior from a rival tribe. Their tribes forbade their love, but the love between the star-crossed lovers was so strong that they decided to give up their possessions and flee from the land where their love was forbidden. Although their new life was harsh, they survived because of the deep love they had for one other. Legend has it that the lovers’ spirits metamorphosed into Marimo, a plant of love at the deepest reach of the Lake Akan where they lived happily ever after. This folklore passed from generation to generation. Marimo has become a symbol of determination in overcoming adversities in search of true love and happiness.
How to take care this cute green ball?
* Temperature Requirement: Avoid temperature of 28°C or higher. Keep it indoors, away from heat. Marimo is a slow growing plant, however its growth rate will be expedited at a temperature of between 20°C to 25°C
* Water Requirement: It is recommended that you change 50% of the water once a month or whenever the water becomes dirty. Wash Marimo under running water gently (if dirty). Chlorine-free water is preferred.
* I will grow about 5mm (so damn tiny?!!!) each year if you take good care of it. A 3cm diameter Marimo will take about 10 years to grow to its size. If Marimo grows bigger, you may wish to transfer it to a bigger container to give it more growing space.

Hi so you need filtered water for tour Mario's or is tap wAterok.. Is cared cos our tap water has fluorine and chlorine…
Hi dear, so far i don't need to filter the water, just use the normal tap water.. Marimo will be ok as long as you changed the water regulary..